Free Willy Keiko Kickstarter Campaign Urgent message

We have until this Wednesday March 27th at 10am West Coast time to reach our funding goal.

Because of all of you who have actually backed the project, right now we are nearly halfway there 🙂 Yay!!

Kickstarter has an all or nothing rule, so every pledge is critical to the success of this Kickstarter project.

With just a few hours left to reach success here is what we are asking you to do today:

****If each one of you who has backed this project or says that they are going to the event asks a friend to donate today  we believe the project will succeed.***

Click this link, Choose your reward, and make your pledge right now:)

Our website,, has all the information you need to know about the film.

Here is why our film is important and should be seen in the movie capital of the world!!

Keiko’s rehabilitation and return to the wild is cited by the marine park industry and the media as a failed project and is often given as the reason captive orcas should not be released

Factual errors regarding Keiko’s return to the wild abound such as the the statement below.

“This was a failed and flawed experiment from the beginning. As far as I’m concerned, Keiko was never a release candidate. He was caught in the middle of a Hollywood movie.” – Greg Bossart, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution & Miami Seaquarium

One of the many reasons I did this film be summed up by Dave Phillips of the Free Willy-Keiko Foundation

“We extended not only the length of his life, but the quality of his life. He was swimming tight circles in a small pool with papilloma all over him, and by the time we finished with him, he was out with the big boys, swimming around with wild whales in the ocean.”

More than a documentary about just any animal, Keiko The Untold Story of the Star of Free Willy is a character study that delves deep into the world of the beloved orca. It steps outside the controversy and the spats between warring factions and looks instead at the whale himself. Ultimately, the story of this killer whale is something that goes beyond Keiko and even beyond ocean and mammal research.

The story of Keiko is a universal one, one with which his millions of fans worldwide can identify and connect; a story that humanizes, through the eyes of a single whale, today’s issues regarding the feasibility of releasing a captive whale.

The most unlikely candidate for release back to the wild actually thrived for over 5 years in his home waters, gaining over 3000 lbs during his rehabilitation, mixing it up with wild orcas and swimming across the North Atlantic, and finally passing as a middle aged orca as the only captive orca to ever be successfully rehabilitated and released back to to the ‘wild’

I can’t do this without you and those who you know that would be interested in supporting this important effort.

Together lets get Keiko’s real story out there in a place where it will get noticed:)!







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Nowhere in recent history has a captive mammal garnered so much attention as Keiko, the orca star of the 1993 hit film, “Free Willy.” The film’s success, partnered with growing public interest in animals held in captivity, launched a children’s crusade that called for Keiko’s release into the wild. The result: a multimillion-dollar project that spanned four countries, weathered endless controversy and lasted nearly a decade. Through first-hand accounts by the marine mammal experts charged with his care, “Keiko The Untold Story” follows Keiko, his life, his legacy of hope, and the untold story of his extraordinary years in Iceland and Norway.