Soundtrack is an amazing piece of work all on its own

As an Admin Assistant here at Joshua Records, I recently updated our website Before Theresa was a filmmaker, she was a musician. An amazing musician. Folk-Blues-Rock-Jazz, she wrote and performed her original music and adaptations with an world class band, In Good Company.

As I was updating the music pages, I listened to each 40 second music snippet after uploading to make sure it worked. That is a lot of songs. And…I had forgotten how truly talented, inspiring, and timeless these songs are ! I found myself humming the songs for several weeks after completion. Old Man, a song inspired by Theresa seeing the ever-growing homeless population in Portland, came into my head the other day as I was shopping downtown. A song that can do that is a great song indeed.Keiko's Dream Tour

It also reminded me of the beginning of the Keiko journey. It all started with a song. Theresa was very ill with her second round with cancer. She had a pretty bleak prognosis, and a pretty bleak set of days laying on the couch watching TV. And then here comes Keiko. As he was rehabilitated at The Oregon Coast Aquarium, Theresa saw hope. “If he can do it – I can do it.” And she did.

She beat cancer, she visited Keiko, and then she commemorated both their new found health with a song. Keiko’s Dream is a heart-moving song that in a truly unique way, stars Keiko. The late Tim Ellis, longtime colleague, musician, and friend, used his amazing talent to create music that sounds like an Orca. It is powerful on the music CD, and was extraordinary live on stage. I got goose bumps every time!

First a song, then a CD, then an educational tour about Keiko and oracs in captivity. A combination of music (the song turned into an album that was recorded live in Portland), video, educational speaking, and participation from the audience, the Keiko’s Dream Tour was truly one-of-a-kind. Realizing how much it positively affected children, the school tour was created, and now teacher’s study guide packet are keeping Keiko’s story and spirit alive. All this with the sound of “Keiko’s voice” interwoven in, as if his spirit was there the whole time. We believe it was, and still is.

I’ll recall the part of the story of how the Music CD turned a short film and then a full documentary later, this post is about the music. Music that weaves seamlessly in and out of the documentary, but is an incredible piece of work all on its own. CHECK IT OUT.

~ Claire Demarest, Admin Assistant and long-time Theresa fan!


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Nowhere in recent history has a captive mammal garnered so much attention as Keiko, the orca star of the 1993 hit film, “Free Willy.” The film’s success, partnered with growing public interest in animals held in captivity, launched a children’s crusade that called for Keiko’s release into the wild. The result: a multimillion-dollar project that spanned four countries, weathered endless controversy and lasted nearly a decade. Through first-hand accounts by the marine mammal experts charged with his care, “Keiko The Untold Story” follows Keiko, his life, his legacy of hope, and the untold story of his extraordinary years in Iceland and Norway.